By god I take it you mean Yahweh the alien the pope issued an edict saying to the faithful not to mention him in litany or prayers as he is not Christian and neither is his only begotten son an alien..but apparently they are not ready to tell that truth.
Noah was saved because he was a hybrid know ..mated with the daughters of men..the aliens were so animal like and lusted after women with long hair that women wear advised to hide their hair and a girl has just been killed in Iran for disobeying that order. When are we going to be free of these aliens and the Ashkenazi Jews who carry on their finance scheme Yahweh set up so Jews wld dominate. Deuteronomy chp 15 you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
Rothschild banking??? Russia threw them they are fighting to crush them like they did Saddam and Gaddafi and Syria still fighting them.
Yahweh took a census of his people.he was not omnipotent omnipresent God...he got men to count and pay a random of half a shekel ie 10 grams of silver otherwise a scourge would hit them..exodus chp 30
Verse 35 chp 20 ezekiel. Give me your firstborns and I will burn them for you....
Go and read it and stop the crap about a loving God in the Bible
By god I take it you mean Yahweh the alien the pope issued an edict saying to the faithful not to mention him in litany or prayers as he is not Christian and neither is his only begotten son an alien..but apparently they are not ready to tell that truth.
Noah was saved because he was a hybrid know ..mated with the daughters of men..the aliens were so animal like and lusted after women with long hair that women wear advised to hide their hair and a girl has just been killed in Iran for disobeying that order. When are we going to be free of these aliens and the Ashkenazi Jews who carry on their finance scheme Yahweh set up so Jews wld dominate. Deuteronomy chp 15 you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
Rothschild banking??? Russia threw them they are fighting to crush them like they did Saddam and Gaddafi and Syria still fighting them.
Yahweh took a census of his people.he was not omnipotent omnipresent God...he got men to count and pay a random of half a shekel ie 10 grams of silver otherwise a scourge would hit them..exodus chp 30
Verse 35 chp 20 ezekiel. Give me your firstborns and I will burn them for you....
Go and read it and stop the crap about a loving God in the Bible