See the problem here is you're thinking in absolutist terms. Of which there are a few legitimate points that Christians must adhere to without compromise, but for the most part, there's a bit of leeway BECAUSE we're Christians.
For example, you mentioned the whole "love your enemies" debacle most people tend to use to degrade Christians and call us hypocrites. Yes, God does tell us to love our enemies, but he also tells us to hate their sin. You can hate someone's actions and still be a Christian.
God and Jesus can forgive ANY sin. Forgiveness is not up to us, it's a personal matter between every individual and Jesus Christ.
God also knows we're imperfect beings. Even when he lays out rules for us, he knows that we won't be able to stand up to them most of the time. That's why Jesus being your Lord and Savior is so important. Accepting Jesus isn't some kind of "get out of jail free" card. If you're truly a Christian then you will know what you're doing is wrong, or you shouldn't feel that way. Even if you can't help it.
But that's the point. We're imperfect and can't help ourselves at times. Addiction, hate towards someone evil, anger and frustration at circumstances beyond our control, etc. All are technically sins, but God is more than willing to forgive them over and over. So long as you know you're in the wrong and ask for forgiveness, and try to better yourself, or ask God to help you better yourself.
As for the other part of your question. Faith above works. It's that simple. It may make some people mad, but I've got a bit of a reputation for not caring and saying the blunt truth even if it angers people and makes them butthurt.
Faith above works. You can be the biggest saint, the nicest person, give away every penny you ever make to the poor and hungry, live in poverty to provide for children in need, etc. etc. and still go to hell if you're not saved and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Good people can, and do, go to hell. The path that leads to Heaven is narrow after all. There's literally one way into Heaven. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. All the good works in the world can't change that fact.
That's why I harp about the queers and other forms of mainstream sin so often. Yeah, queers can be good people, and have their morals mostly align with ours. But they're still going to hell as they are. (Plus open acceptance of homosexuality is historically proven to lead to societal degeneration and open acceptance of deviant sexual acts. Hence our current sexually deviant and sex obsessed society.)
Hell wasn't added to the Bible until 1600...the concept didn't exist before but the pope brought it in and during the inquisitions millions died. Jews who actually wrote the old testament as a history of what happened to them when the aliens invaded and knew that the man now called jesus was a hybrid of the invaders and was born for the role he played ...they knew he was not a God or the son of God and so do the Muslims..they know he was a man too. The inquisitions were to wipe out the unbelievers who knew they were aliens not fallen angels and Yahweh was a psychopathic genocidal killer butchering millions not the loving God they tried to portray...nuking Sodom and Gomorrah and sparing noah as he was a hybrid alien.
The rapture was added in 1835 as a footnote and when pastors saw the reaction and consequent money pouring in it as added as canonical text.
The naivety of anyone believing that saying I accept Jesus.christ who never existed the man who was on the cross for a few hours was taken down alive as promised by the elohim /Yahweh as part of the religion they were going to make.
Didn't an angel talk to Mohammad? Not an alien many billions have died cos that religion doesn't see this Jesus Christ as their saviour..depopulate depopulate depopulate. Crusades crusades crusades
The church wanted a one world religion then with everyone following the satanic crap they were peddling. And still are
Read the 75 books removed to make this story believable to anyone naive enough not to use critical thinking.
One of them was called the wars of yahweh...killing us..millions and.millions of us.
How many Jewish pope's do you think there has been?
Look at Martin Luther ..look at his history and the two pope's he was working with the Medicis... Bankers like his family...what did he do? He introduced usury which was forbidden to Catholics...
Rothschilds central banks..Russia threw them out..and here we are in a war..gadaffi was arranging an African gold system and leaving the petro dollar the Ashkenazi Jews Rothschild Ponzi scheme is tied to..what happened?
You can go the clay cuniform tablets and read for yourself what they say from thousands of years ago about the aliens .
Is this why they won't confirm the alien presence the cloning they did the craft they had that NASA copied and is in ezikiel and the Mahabharata? Cos people might start to actually think?
Do you really believe Jonah survived the digestive juices never mind anything else of a was a submarine..the accounts in the Bible itself say Jonah could see the depths and there was a pearl that lit the inside of the whale. For pity's sake!!! There are drawings of submarines and aircraft on the pyramid walls
Not what they say in the oh so correct and truthful bible..he was vomited out ..he was sent to Nineveh by yahweh and he ran away as he did not want to go in the submarine. He was found and forced to get in it.
Helicopters also. In one of the more southern temples. It was "plastered" over then restored a bit. Also we all have so much "junk DNA" that the scientists have no idea where it came from, or even what it is.
You have any links to some of the history stuff you mentioned? About the ET's? I love reading about this stuff :D. And in my opinion the Sumerians ( oldest writings) Have the more accurate accounts of "truth" I have seen yet.
Edit: Also I found it super fucking odd ISIS was blowing up ancient sites. Ancient histories. I wonder who was pulling those strings. And gave those orderes. After they pillaged all the artifacts of coarse.
I am not sure about Billy Carson but he has researchers working for him. He has a lot of information on the sumerian tablets and measurements of pyramids etc ..4bktv. he is similar to Gaia which I stay clear of chickens etc.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was interlinear translator for the Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much evidence of aliens. He is dead straight.cci bought his book naked bible
5th element Paul Wallis was an arch bishop. He has good links but like a lot of churchy people want to keep hold of jesus...son of Yahweh and an alien....easy living in frocks.
Michael tellinger
Richard d hall UK researcher does space stuff too. Lies of NASA
Have a look at my comments I put links on for people
The most important thing a person will ever do is seek and find God. A murderer, rapist, etc. can understand what they did is wrong and seek forgiveness and seek salvation. An unbeliever (for instance, someone solidly convinced there is no God) is not even seeking, but actively refusing God's grace gift of salvation and a relationship with Him.)
You're here on a Q board. Think of the normies who simply refuse to see the truth. Who refuse, in the face of every proof, every piece of data, to believe. And that probably frustrates you and you wonder, how can they do this? How can they be so blind. Not just blind even, but blind by choice.
True faith leads to truth. And Learning the truth leads to stronger faith. Faith must come first though. You are putting things on your timeline. Saying everyone should see the truth simply because it's there out in open. Yet only God decides when we truly awaken to the truth. Not ourselves or other men. When we try to do that we are once again playing God.
Think of moses and Aaron. They were literally speaking for God to pharaoh and it still hardened his heart. God knew this would happen though because he knows us on the most deepest intimate level.
Careful about labeling other peoples faith. U called it normie. Truly though we are all exactly where God wants us at this given time. He knew this life even before we were born
Haha, what makes you think they don't seek the truth? It's through seeking that we find. We aren't born believers. We seek, find, and become believers.
It seems evident now that you were already firmly entrenched in your own belief system before you asked the question, thereby just wasting people's time.
Many think they are seeking the truth, but what they are really seeking is something that appeals to them, that strokes their ego or tickles their ear and makes them feel special, important. It's not the truth they're seeking, it's something else. And they will always find it. Because there is always some charlatan working in the name of the evil one who will find them.
Well then you're not a Christian. God isn't just a loving God. It seems you subscribe to the modern corrupt "feel good Christianity". Stop following false prophets. God destroyed entire nations because of their sin and unbelief. Sodom and Gomorra anyone? Or how about the endless nations Ancient Israel razed to the ground when they were conquering the land that would eventually become Israel? God ordered them to kill every man, woman, and child and to leave no survivors.
Or how about the Flood? A historical event that we find more and more evidence of every single day. God literally killed every single living being but Noah, his family, and the animals on the ARK.
Why should God forgive someone who doesn't respect of believe in him and Jesus? Would YOU forgive someone that denies your very existence?
Also, you're incredibly wrong and misguided. Their is no "becoming a Christian after death." If you die without being saved that it. You're going to hell, end of story. You get one life and one chance. What you do determines your afterlife. And there's only a single choice that matters. Acceptance of Jesus Christ.
God won't forgive a random murderer, rapist, etc. Those same people MUST feel a real, legitimate conviction and turn from their wicked ways while accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Just like everyone else.
If you don't want to accept these facts, then it's between you and God, but you're wrong in everything you believe in and you're sending yourself to Hell for allowing yourself to be deceived by the morally righteous "feel good" false prophets you're adhering to instead of the true word of God.
By god I take it you mean Yahweh the alien the pope issued an edict saying to the faithful not to mention him in litany or prayers as he is not Christian and neither is his only begotten son an alien..but apparently they are not ready to tell that truth.
Noah was saved because he was a hybrid know ..mated with the daughters of men..the aliens were so animal like and lusted after women with long hair that women wear advised to hide their hair and a girl has just been killed in Iran for disobeying that order. When are we going to be free of these aliens and the Ashkenazi Jews who carry on their finance scheme Yahweh set up so Jews wld dominate. Deuteronomy chp 15 you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
Rothschild banking??? Russia threw them they are fighting to crush them like they did Saddam and Gaddafi and Syria still fighting them.
Yahweh took a census of his people.he was not omnipotent omnipresent God...he got men to count and pay a random of half a shekel ie 10 grams of silver otherwise a scourge would hit them..exodus chp 30
Verse 35 chp 20 ezekiel. Give me your firstborns and I will burn them for you....
Go and read it and stop the crap about a loving God in the Bible
See, right there you set your intention. You refused to believe. Why? Perhaps it seemed distasteful to you for some reason. (You didn't specify what things you refused to believe.) But that begs the question, who are you? Are you God? Do you have the 40,000 foot view that God has? Do you know and understand the ways and whys and wherefores of God? No, obviously not. But without understanding any of it, you decided to refuse to believe it. That's some ego.
What is is you do believe, if I may ask? (I'm guessing some sort of new age thing.)
The wages of sin is death. During the old Testament days, forgiveness of sin required a blood sacrifice. The Jewish would have to sacrifice their most pristine sheep, goat etc.
God sent us Jesus Christ, the most pristine human that has ever lived. He was not blemished by sin. He sacrificed himself for us. His blood covers all of our sin as long as we repent of our sins and accept him as our Lord and Savior.
The Old Testament is as factual as the new Testament. You can refuse to accept it, God has given you freewill. But your unbelief doesn't change the nature of God. Don't measure God by man's standards. He is a righteous and just God. We have all earned death and death is what we will all receive unless we accept the gift God has given us and that again, is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are no works that you and I can do to save ourselves.
I'm no expert, just a lifelong seeker, and I'll tell you what I've come to understand. Imagine we are all plugged into God. He doesn't need to see what we do, he knows what's in our hearts. We have the free will to seek out and understand our place with him and his plans for us on earth. What if it isn't God rejecting unbelievers, but unbelievers rejecting God that leads to their demise. God will not cut his cord with his children, it's his children who choose to cut their cord with him. Without it, their souls will not find their way back to him. Unless of course they call out to him here on earth, seeking to find him, and if they do, he will restore what they cut off.
What I've learned about the mind over the years is that it plays a much bigger role in all of reality than we may have ever imagined. Those who chose to live in misery are creating their own hell themselves. Not just here on earth, but it will follow them afterwards. We are lost souls without God, like a home built without a foundation. In the end, earth is a school, and a temporary home for the souls of humans. Our real home is with God, beyond the plane of earth. Those of us who maintain our connection to him, will find our way back to him after our souls leave earth. Anyone who seeks him, will find him.
Then continue being deceived and send yourself to hell. By denying literally half the Bible, you're ignoring half of God's history. You're ignorance of literally anything involving Christianity is showing, and I feel sorry for you in all honesty. You're not much different from the leftist point of view on religion at this point.
"Everyone should be accepted just because". Such a childish point of view is just that. Childish. It has little to no base in reality, and if that's truly what you believe in then the devil is laughing his evil butt off while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Knowing you're going to eat all that crap up because you have to take the moral high ground and deny God's truth because "it doesn't feel good".
I pity you, and I'll pray for you. But people like you are part of the problem with the world, and I don't respect you and your ilk in the least bit.
May God have mercy on you and help you realize the error of your ways.
See the problem here is you're thinking in absolutist terms. Of which there are a few legitimate points that Christians must adhere to without compromise, but for the most part, there's a bit of leeway BECAUSE we're Christians.
For example, you mentioned the whole "love your enemies" debacle most people tend to use to degrade Christians and call us hypocrites. Yes, God does tell us to love our enemies, but he also tells us to hate their sin. You can hate someone's actions and still be a Christian.
God and Jesus can forgive ANY sin. Forgiveness is not up to us, it's a personal matter between every individual and Jesus Christ.
God also knows we're imperfect beings. Even when he lays out rules for us, he knows that we won't be able to stand up to them most of the time. That's why Jesus being your Lord and Savior is so important. Accepting Jesus isn't some kind of "get out of jail free" card. If you're truly a Christian then you will know what you're doing is wrong, or you shouldn't feel that way. Even if you can't help it.
But that's the point. We're imperfect and can't help ourselves at times. Addiction, hate towards someone evil, anger and frustration at circumstances beyond our control, etc. All are technically sins, but God is more than willing to forgive them over and over. So long as you know you're in the wrong and ask for forgiveness, and try to better yourself, or ask God to help you better yourself.
As for the other part of your question. Faith above works. It's that simple. It may make some people mad, but I've got a bit of a reputation for not caring and saying the blunt truth even if it angers people and makes them butthurt.
Faith above works. You can be the biggest saint, the nicest person, give away every penny you ever make to the poor and hungry, live in poverty to provide for children in need, etc. etc. and still go to hell if you're not saved and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Good people can, and do, go to hell. The path that leads to Heaven is narrow after all. There's literally one way into Heaven. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. All the good works in the world can't change that fact.
That's why I harp about the queers and other forms of mainstream sin so often. Yeah, queers can be good people, and have their morals mostly align with ours. But they're still going to hell as they are. (Plus open acceptance of homosexuality is historically proven to lead to societal degeneration and open acceptance of deviant sexual acts. Hence our current sexually deviant and sex obsessed society.)
Hell wasn't added to the Bible until 1600...the concept didn't exist before but the pope brought it in and during the inquisitions millions died. Jews who actually wrote the old testament as a history of what happened to them when the aliens invaded and knew that the man now called jesus was a hybrid of the invaders and was born for the role he played ...they knew he was not a God or the son of God and so do the Muslims..they know he was a man too. The inquisitions were to wipe out the unbelievers who knew they were aliens not fallen angels and Yahweh was a psychopathic genocidal killer butchering millions not the loving God they tried to portray...nuking Sodom and Gomorrah and sparing noah as he was a hybrid alien.
The rapture was added in 1835 as a footnote and when pastors saw the reaction and consequent money pouring in it as added as canonical text.
The naivety of anyone believing that saying I accept Jesus.christ who never existed the man who was on the cross for a few hours was taken down alive as promised by the elohim /Yahweh as part of the religion they were going to make.
Didn't an angel talk to Mohammad? Not an alien many billions have died cos that religion doesn't see this Jesus Christ as their saviour..depopulate depopulate depopulate. Crusades crusades crusades
The church wanted a one world religion then with everyone following the satanic crap they were peddling. And still are
Read the 75 books removed to make this story believable to anyone naive enough not to use critical thinking.
One of them was called the wars of yahweh...killing us..millions and.millions of us.
How many Jewish pope's do you think there has been?
Look at Martin Luther ..look at his history and the two pope's he was working with the Medicis... Bankers like his family...what did he do? He introduced usury which was forbidden to Catholics...
Rothschilds central banks..Russia threw them out..and here we are in a war..gadaffi was arranging an African gold system and leaving the petro dollar the Ashkenazi Jews Rothschild Ponzi scheme is tied to..what happened?
You can go the clay cuniform tablets and read for yourself what they say from thousands of years ago about the aliens .
Is this why they won't confirm the alien presence the cloning they did the craft they had that NASA copied and is in ezikiel and the Mahabharata? Cos people might start to actually think?
Do you really believe Jonah survived the digestive juices never mind anything else of a was a submarine..the accounts in the Bible itself say Jonah could see the depths and there was a pearl that lit the inside of the whale. For pity's sake!!! There are drawings of submarines and aircraft on the pyramid walls
Not what they say in the oh so correct and truthful bible..he was vomited out ..he was sent to Nineveh by yahweh and he ran away as he did not want to go in the submarine. He was found and forced to get in it.
Helicopters also. In one of the more southern temples. It was "plastered" over then restored a bit. Also we all have so much "junk DNA" that the scientists have no idea where it came from, or even what it is.
You have any links to some of the history stuff you mentioned? About the ET's? I love reading about this stuff :D. And in my opinion the Sumerians ( oldest writings) Have the more accurate accounts of "truth" I have seen yet.
Edit: Also I found it super fucking odd ISIS was blowing up ancient sites. Ancient histories. I wonder who was pulling those strings. And gave those orderes. After they pillaged all the artifacts of coarse.
I am not sure about Billy Carson but he has researchers working for him. He has a lot of information on the sumerian tablets and measurements of pyramids etc ..4bktv. he is similar to Gaia which I stay clear of chickens etc.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was interlinear translator for the Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much evidence of aliens. He is dead straight.cci bought his book naked bible
5th element Paul Wallis was an arch bishop. He has good links but like a lot of churchy people want to keep hold of jesus...son of Yahweh and an alien....easy living in frocks.
Michael tellinger
Richard d hall UK researcher does space stuff too. Lies of NASA
Have a look at my comments I put links on for people
Thanks a bunch!
The most important thing a person will ever do is seek and find God. A murderer, rapist, etc. can understand what they did is wrong and seek forgiveness and seek salvation. An unbeliever (for instance, someone solidly convinced there is no God) is not even seeking, but actively refusing God's grace gift of salvation and a relationship with Him.)
You're here on a Q board. Think of the normies who simply refuse to see the truth. Who refuse, in the face of every proof, every piece of data, to believe. And that probably frustrates you and you wonder, how can they do this? How can they be so blind. Not just blind even, but blind by choice.
That is the sin of unbelief.
True faith leads to truth. And Learning the truth leads to stronger faith. Faith must come first though. You are putting things on your timeline. Saying everyone should see the truth simply because it's there out in open. Yet only God decides when we truly awaken to the truth. Not ourselves or other men. When we try to do that we are once again playing God. Think of moses and Aaron. They were literally speaking for God to pharaoh and it still hardened his heart. God knew this would happen though because he knows us on the most deepest intimate level.
Careful about labeling other peoples faith. U called it normie. Truly though we are all exactly where God wants us at this given time. He knew this life even before we were born
Haha, what makes you think they don't seek the truth? It's through seeking that we find. We aren't born believers. We seek, find, and become believers.
It seems evident now that you were already firmly entrenched in your own belief system before you asked the question, thereby just wasting people's time.
Many think they are seeking the truth, but what they are really seeking is something that appeals to them, that strokes their ego or tickles their ear and makes them feel special, important. It's not the truth they're seeking, it's something else. And they will always find it. Because there is always some charlatan working in the name of the evil one who will find them.
Awe, seems like I have found your intent, to sow seeds of division.
Why do you say that they are wrong? What truth do you possess that gives you the authority to claim all are wrong?
Well then you're not a Christian. God isn't just a loving God. It seems you subscribe to the modern corrupt "feel good Christianity". Stop following false prophets. God destroyed entire nations because of their sin and unbelief. Sodom and Gomorra anyone? Or how about the endless nations Ancient Israel razed to the ground when they were conquering the land that would eventually become Israel? God ordered them to kill every man, woman, and child and to leave no survivors.
Or how about the Flood? A historical event that we find more and more evidence of every single day. God literally killed every single living being but Noah, his family, and the animals on the ARK.
Why should God forgive someone who doesn't respect of believe in him and Jesus? Would YOU forgive someone that denies your very existence?
Also, you're incredibly wrong and misguided. Their is no "becoming a Christian after death." If you die without being saved that it. You're going to hell, end of story. You get one life and one chance. What you do determines your afterlife. And there's only a single choice that matters. Acceptance of Jesus Christ.
God won't forgive a random murderer, rapist, etc. Those same people MUST feel a real, legitimate conviction and turn from their wicked ways while accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Just like everyone else.
If you don't want to accept these facts, then it's between you and God, but you're wrong in everything you believe in and you're sending yourself to Hell for allowing yourself to be deceived by the morally righteous "feel good" false prophets you're adhering to instead of the true word of God.
By god I take it you mean Yahweh the alien the pope issued an edict saying to the faithful not to mention him in litany or prayers as he is not Christian and neither is his only begotten son an alien..but apparently they are not ready to tell that truth.
Noah was saved because he was a hybrid know ..mated with the daughters of men..the aliens were so animal like and lusted after women with long hair that women wear advised to hide their hair and a girl has just been killed in Iran for disobeying that order. When are we going to be free of these aliens and the Ashkenazi Jews who carry on their finance scheme Yahweh set up so Jews wld dominate. Deuteronomy chp 15 you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.
Rothschild banking??? Russia threw them they are fighting to crush them like they did Saddam and Gaddafi and Syria still fighting them.
Yahweh took a census of his people.he was not omnipotent omnipresent God...he got men to count and pay a random of half a shekel ie 10 grams of silver otherwise a scourge would hit them..exodus chp 30
Verse 35 chp 20 ezekiel. Give me your firstborns and I will burn them for you....
Go and read it and stop the crap about a loving God in the Bible
See, right there you set your intention. You refused to believe. Why? Perhaps it seemed distasteful to you for some reason. (You didn't specify what things you refused to believe.) But that begs the question, who are you? Are you God? Do you have the 40,000 foot view that God has? Do you know and understand the ways and whys and wherefores of God? No, obviously not. But without understanding any of it, you decided to refuse to believe it. That's some ego.
What is is you do believe, if I may ask? (I'm guessing some sort of new age thing.)
The wages of sin is death. During the old Testament days, forgiveness of sin required a blood sacrifice. The Jewish would have to sacrifice their most pristine sheep, goat etc.
God sent us Jesus Christ, the most pristine human that has ever lived. He was not blemished by sin. He sacrificed himself for us. His blood covers all of our sin as long as we repent of our sins and accept him as our Lord and Savior.
The Old Testament is as factual as the new Testament. You can refuse to accept it, God has given you freewill. But your unbelief doesn't change the nature of God. Don't measure God by man's standards. He is a righteous and just God. We have all earned death and death is what we will all receive unless we accept the gift God has given us and that again, is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are no works that you and I can do to save ourselves.
I'm no expert, just a lifelong seeker, and I'll tell you what I've come to understand. Imagine we are all plugged into God. He doesn't need to see what we do, he knows what's in our hearts. We have the free will to seek out and understand our place with him and his plans for us on earth. What if it isn't God rejecting unbelievers, but unbelievers rejecting God that leads to their demise. God will not cut his cord with his children, it's his children who choose to cut their cord with him. Without it, their souls will not find their way back to him. Unless of course they call out to him here on earth, seeking to find him, and if they do, he will restore what they cut off.
What I've learned about the mind over the years is that it plays a much bigger role in all of reality than we may have ever imagined. Those who chose to live in misery are creating their own hell themselves. Not just here on earth, but it will follow them afterwards. We are lost souls without God, like a home built without a foundation. In the end, earth is a school, and a temporary home for the souls of humans. Our real home is with God, beyond the plane of earth. Those of us who maintain our connection to him, will find our way back to him after our souls leave earth. Anyone who seeks him, will find him.
Then continue being deceived and send yourself to hell. By denying literally half the Bible, you're ignoring half of God's history. You're ignorance of literally anything involving Christianity is showing, and I feel sorry for you in all honesty. You're not much different from the leftist point of view on religion at this point.
"Everyone should be accepted just because". Such a childish point of view is just that. Childish. It has little to no base in reality, and if that's truly what you believe in then the devil is laughing his evil butt off while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Knowing you're going to eat all that crap up because you have to take the moral high ground and deny God's truth because "it doesn't feel good".
I pity you, and I'll pray for you. But people like you are part of the problem with the world, and I don't respect you and your ilk in the least bit.
May God have mercy on you and help you realize the error of your ways.
What is good?
It's because Judaist control.