No do's not me steeped in mythology..don't project. Things have to work within the universal laws of the universe....even the digestive juices of the whale would kill it is the Bible says in Matthew 12 40 for three whole days and nights...the lord...that's Yahweh ..had arranged for ",the whale" to swallow Jonah... yahweh told Jonah he had to go to Nineveh for him in the submarine..Jonah was frightened and ran away. We know yahweh called himself lord as he did when demanding the first born baby and animal to be burnt to show I am the lord in Isiah
Araimac Bible says Jehovah but these are all terms used by the Bible instead of the correct term elohim...
When the whale spat him out he was near Nineveh. What a coincidence. Also whales have very small throats and could only swallow small fish like herring!
You need also consider if as you are going to say extraordinary measures were taken by the creator of trillions upon trillions of's without carry out this endeavour instead of him using the submarines we know the aliens had and are shown on walls in Egypt along with helicopters etc..but didn't take those steps to stop Yahweh burning the abdomen fats of women and babies as stated in the Torah..or the millions of humans he nuked in soddam and Gomorrah and sumeria.. or the babies satanically sacrificed for their adrenachrome..I would be thrilled to hear it.
No do's not me steeped in mythology..don't project. Things have to work within the universal laws of the universe....even the digestive juices of the whale would kill it is the Bible says in Matthew 12 40 for three whole days and nights...the lord...that's Yahweh ..had arranged for ",the whale" to swallow Jonah... yahweh told Jonah he had to go to Nineveh for him in the submarine..Jonah was frightened and ran away. We know yahweh called himself lord as he did when demanding the first born baby and animal to be burnt to show I am the lord in Isiah
Araimac Bible says Jehovah but these are all terms used by the Bible instead of the correct term elohim...
When the whale spat him out he was near Nineveh. What a coincidence. Also whales have very small throats and could only swallow small fish like herring!
You need also consider if as you are going to say extraordinary measures were taken by the creator of trillions upon trillions of's without carry out this endeavour instead of him using the submarines we know the aliens had and are shown on walls in Egypt along with helicopters etc..but didn't take those steps to stop Yahweh burning the abdomen fats of women and babies as stated in the Torah..or the millions of humans he nuked in soddam and Gomorrah and sumeria.. or the babies satanically sacrificed for their adrenachrome..I would be thrilled to hear it.
I won't hold my breath however.