If we think (and there have been numerous posts here to support this idea) that all major banks are going to fail because of over-investing in derivatives, what should we do if we have money in those banks? Pull it out in cash? Convert it to silver or gold? Put the cash under our mattress? And will cash be worth anything?
So if we have cash in checking or savings with a bank, how can we protect our assets?
If you have the capital now, I would be buying that acreage NOW. Visit some of the prepper sites to get an idea where there is land you don’t need to travel far to from your current location but in a somewhat isolated area where the ‘starving hordes’ cannot stumble upon you. If you have the ability now to buy an acreage you should be getting that established. Fences, water supply, gardens etc. I’d be looking for a clean, good condition portable home that you can move onto the land immediately. Forget about running electricity- best to go off grid but even that needs planning. Family will be everything. Community - but family first. Get that plan underway now. Are you aware that the DEFCON level is at 2 in Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia and USA in the last week have moved from 4 to 3?
Moving after SHTF will be impossible. Look at what you have done. Look around at your achievements! . How could you pick that up and move it overnight? You can’t. The rabbit hutches, the tools, not to mention the rabbits. That should already being transitioned to your land now. Maybe not the rabbits, but they need to be housed quickly when you arrive with stored food, hutches etc. remember there will be predators in a rural area so their housing needs to be secure and safe.
The idea of a bug out location is to have it READY at this critical time. If SHTF you need to have plans in place to move as soon as the danger has been assessed. Is it nuclear? An EMP? Biological? Stock market crash? If it’s an EMP, that means no cars - unless you have a vintage one free of electronics. That means walking to your location! Do you have bags for everyone sitting ready to go? Do you have an alternative route off major highways? What do you need in those bags? If you have children, have you sat down and spoken to them if there is XYZ scenario where are they to go? Imagine the scenario if the teachers refuse to let them leave? Have you discussed what to do in this situation? Can they walk home from school on their own? What if you work on the other side of town? Could you get to them quickly on foot?I don’t mean to scare you but we are living that reality today.
I’ve been prepping for a long, long time. I know many preppers that have already pulled their children from school and are homeschooling and have been living off grid at their bug out location since before covid. A great scenario would be to live at bug out location, but still one of you commute to work. BUT. If there are just 1 family you cannot do this. Safety has to be paramount. When looking for land, be ‘mosey’ about the neighbours. This is why the real estate websites for preppers is good. They do exist! Search online while you can. Everyone should be making copies of important documents now. Hide a set at the bug out location but also have one with originals with you at all times.
Expect fuel to skyrocket as OPEC yesterday reduced their production down 2,million barrels a day. That’s huge. And while the likes of CNN, MSNBC et al are screaming that’s going to backfire, China TODAY ends lockdowns. What will that mean? They will need oil. Lots of it. Things are changing by the minute. DO NOT listen to MSM etc. Seek out those that tell you facts and the TRUTH. Pray for discernment! Start pouring over the prepper forums. Ask questions! There are some great people on them willing to help but there are those to that can be negative but happens in all walks of life. Most of all pray. Pray and prepare. God Bless.