The candidates we should be casting votes for in our representatives should be those who will vote no on every piece of legislation until a bill that limits all new bills be no more than 25 8x11 pages long with 12 pt font. And that bill itself should be no more than 25 pages. Because any bill that's voted on today will always be muddied with detrimental provisions that don't benefit Americans. THOUGHTS? Also I know elections are rigged, but our candidates need to start talking like this.
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I would also like to see the us remove foreign ownership inside the confines of the US to 0. Foreigners and foreign companies may do commerce and business but they cannot own anything. They can rent and lease but they cannot and will not own or have more power than the citizens of our own country.
Agree. And, how about no dual citizens may hold public office?
Forgot about that. Yeah your either an American or not one at all