So all the truth about the evil stuff was going to come out in 2021... Hm. And what exactly do these people think Jesus is? Not a Swiss looking gent for sure, but they cast doubt on his existence. from what I could tell. Mostly good with New Age nonsense at the end.
We are not responsible for something we didn't know about and back when milk cartons with missing children became a thing, there was only 1 source of news. I am tired of being blamed for the evil, the evildoers accomplish. I am not evil and would not hurt children but yeah, sure lets blame us instead of them, the demons.
No, we should not be blamed for something we had nothing to do with. That statement I completely disagree with that claims we are all responsible. I think they meant having our eyes, ears and minds closed to what was happening is what that reference was about anyway. The responsible parties were those creating amd pushing all this evil crap on the world.
This is the vid that documents Trumps first forgien trip as potus in 2017, in which they/Q? alledgedly brought the world powers to submit to The Plan using NSA collected blackmail.
So all the truth about the evil stuff was going to come out in 2021... Hm. And what exactly do these people think Jesus is? Not a Swiss looking gent for sure, but they cast doubt on his existence. from what I could tell. Mostly good with New Age nonsense at the end.
We are not responsible for something we didn't know about and back when milk cartons with missing children became a thing, there was only 1 source of news. I am tired of being blamed for the evil, the evildoers accomplish. I am not evil and would not hurt children but yeah, sure lets blame us instead of them, the demons.
No, we should not be blamed for something we had nothing to do with. That statement I completely disagree with that claims we are all responsible. I think they meant having our eyes, ears and minds closed to what was happening is what that reference was about anyway. The responsible parties were those creating amd pushing all this evil crap on the world.
Can you give us a synopsis?
This is the vid that documents Trumps first forgien trip as potus in 2017, in which they/Q? alledgedly brought the world powers to submit to The Plan using NSA collected blackmail.
Allegedly is certainly the key word. No one gets the world powers to agree to be subordinate.
I wasn't calling you out. It happens.
I literally can not spell
Thank you for that.