Went to Walmart today and saw more people wearing masks again. It’s irritating how many sheep are still out there and readily donning those stupid masks again.
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Condolences. Just south of you and seeing more down here. Sheep will sheep.
I think the vaccine has fried their brains. Or what little they had. Fortunately I live in a more purple town the front range. A lot of people up here value their guns and freedom
Golden Gate Canyon here. Amazingly there are a large number of flakes in the dem side of things. And you’d think Gilpin county being allegedly redneck is way dem. At least dem presenting. The conservative types aren’t active and allow the libs to dominate. It’s frustrating and embarrassing.
Fucking horrible actually.
Ned here. We definitely have our fair share of of Vaxtards and out side mask wearers but there's also a more conservative 2nd amendment element. If I had to guess it's a 60/40 split here. I come up Coal Creek Canyon frequently. Beautiful!
The issue is as I see it the libs are politically active and vocal while the conservatives have life to live and work, family, etc that takes their time.
We had a call last night and I researched the patient address and name. Voting site came up that had numerical addresses down abroad with political registration. Repubs were dominant numbers. Yet Gilpin Cty votes left.
So Gilpin is potentially that same 60/40 or more yet elects useless libs to county and state positions.