Isreal is the cabal. Jews started and currently push Marxism, and the alphabet lgbtq/trans shit. I'm catholic, so I'm aware 2k catholics were killed in the holocaust, I'm not sure many more jews were killed.
I am curious about your sources for this assertaion- I would agree with your statement for Auschwitz. However primary documents (from David Irving's research, no big fan of the Holocaust promoters) state something in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 million through the Operation Reinhardt Camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps were created for the express purpose of murdering people to take their posessions, and when finished where completely destroyed per Himmlers direct order.
Isreal is the cabal. Jews started and currently push Marxism, and the alphabet lgbtq/trans shit. I'm catholic, so I'm aware 2k catholics were killed in the holocaust, I'm not sure many more jews were killed.
I was shocked to find this all out only recently.
The holocaust isn't real. You've been lied to your whole life.
Nazis did murder many jews. Not 6 million though. Many jews (Soros) collaborated with the Nazis and sold out their own people.
The only people the Nazis deliberately killed were resistance or traitors. It didn't matter what race they were.
The 250k-280k jews that died in camps was due to malnutrition or typhus.
Quit believing the lie.
I am curious about your sources for this assertaion- I would agree with your statement for Auschwitz. However primary documents (from David Irving's research, no big fan of the Holocaust promoters) state something in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 million through the Operation Reinhardt Camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps were created for the express purpose of murdering people to take their posessions, and when finished where completely destroyed per Himmlers direct order.
Ya I've heard that number come from priests before too.