I am curious about your sources for this assertaion- I would agree with your statement for Auschwitz. However primary documents (from David Irving's research, no big fan of the Holocaust promoters) state something in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 million through the Operation Reinhardt Camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps were created for the express purpose of murdering people to take their posessions, and when finished where completely destroyed per Himmlers direct order.
Think logically for a second and ask yourself if any of what you've been told makes actual sense?
Why would the Nazis scoop people up, transport them to camps, shave their heads, tattoo identification numbers on them, treat typhus if needed, clothe them and feed them, just to eventually gas them and then haul their dead bodies into furnaces to cremate them?
Why do all of that when they could have executed them in the doorways of their homes and left the bodies in the streets to rott?
Why did auschwitz have an Olympic sized swimming pool, a brothel, a shopping market and a theater for people they wanted dead?
If you haven't figured it out yet, these camps were LABOR camps. Not death camps.
Of course the conventional, Auschwitz-centric Holocaust narrative doesn't make sense; because it isnt what happened. There is no proof of mass (there.are records of a few small-scale incidences) gassings at Auschwitz, and the records of coal deliveries there for the crematoria do not support the scale of the conventional narrative.
There is however direct, source document proof of Aktion Reinhardt- named not for Reinhard Heydrich (notice fhe spelling is different) but for Friedrich (Fritz) Reinhardt, State Secretary of the Finance Ministry of the 3rd Reich. There are several messages between the RHSA (Reich Home Security Office) , Odilo Globocnik's office, and SS Leadership(for example, the Hofle telegram https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/holocaust/hoefle-telegram/) and others that detail the elimination of at least 1.5million (and probably more, as figures stopped after I believe 1942) primarily Polish Jews, and the collection and shipment of their valuables back to the Reich. This was not conducted at Auschwitz. This was conducted at the camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps did not have facilities like Auschwitz. They were extermination centers in the middle of nowhere. When the Aktion was completed, these camps were destroyed, and the remains concealed so evidence of what went on there was obscured. David Irving (likely the finest historian of WW2 to have lived, https://youtu.be/10SCEE2wT_o) this evidence he concurs that they were indeed extermination camps. Interestingly, he also presents a rather compelling case that Hitler was unaware of these camps true purpose- that it was a secret operation run by Himmler and portions of the SS. This fits the assertation made by Q that Hitler was a puppet.
In conclusion- the conventional Holocaust barrative is BS. However, the truth exists in the records, and this points to Treblinka Sobrabor and Belzec being true death camps, in the way that Auschwitz was not. Side note, the oft repeated Holocaust narrative of open pit burning of large numbers of bodies actually appears from my research appears to be stolen from the accounts of the survivors of the horrific Allied bombing of Dresden, in their recounting the hideous cleanup after the fires stopped. Fake news has been around for a long time.
The only people the Nazis deliberately killed were resistance or traitors. It didn't matter what race they were.
The 250k-280k jews that died in camps was due to malnutrition or typhus.
Quit believing the lie.
I am curious about your sources for this assertaion- I would agree with your statement for Auschwitz. However primary documents (from David Irving's research, no big fan of the Holocaust promoters) state something in the neighborhood of 2-2.5 million through the Operation Reinhardt Camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps were created for the express purpose of murdering people to take their posessions, and when finished where completely destroyed per Himmlers direct order.
Think logically for a second and ask yourself if any of what you've been told makes actual sense?
Why would the Nazis scoop people up, transport them to camps, shave their heads, tattoo identification numbers on them, treat typhus if needed, clothe them and feed them, just to eventually gas them and then haul their dead bodies into furnaces to cremate them?
Why do all of that when they could have executed them in the doorways of their homes and left the bodies in the streets to rott?
Why did auschwitz have an Olympic sized swimming pool, a brothel, a shopping market and a theater for people they wanted dead?
If you haven't figured it out yet, these camps were LABOR camps. Not death camps.
Stop believing the lie.
Of course the conventional, Auschwitz-centric Holocaust narrative doesn't make sense; because it isnt what happened. There is no proof of mass (there.are records of a few small-scale incidences) gassings at Auschwitz, and the records of coal deliveries there for the crematoria do not support the scale of the conventional narrative.
There is however direct, source document proof of Aktion Reinhardt- named not for Reinhard Heydrich (notice fhe spelling is different) but for Friedrich (Fritz) Reinhardt, State Secretary of the Finance Ministry of the 3rd Reich. There are several messages between the RHSA (Reich Home Security Office) , Odilo Globocnik's office, and SS Leadership(for example, the Hofle telegram https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/resources/holocaust/hoefle-telegram/) and others that detail the elimination of at least 1.5million (and probably more, as figures stopped after I believe 1942) primarily Polish Jews, and the collection and shipment of their valuables back to the Reich. This was not conducted at Auschwitz. This was conducted at the camps of Sobrabor, Belzec and Treblinka. These camps did not have facilities like Auschwitz. They were extermination centers in the middle of nowhere. When the Aktion was completed, these camps were destroyed, and the remains concealed so evidence of what went on there was obscured. David Irving (likely the finest historian of WW2 to have lived, https://youtu.be/10SCEE2wT_o) this evidence he concurs that they were indeed extermination camps. Interestingly, he also presents a rather compelling case that Hitler was unaware of these camps true purpose- that it was a secret operation run by Himmler and portions of the SS. This fits the assertation made by Q that Hitler was a puppet. In conclusion- the conventional Holocaust barrative is BS. However, the truth exists in the records, and this points to Treblinka Sobrabor and Belzec being true death camps, in the way that Auschwitz was not. Side note, the oft repeated Holocaust narrative of open pit burning of large numbers of bodies actually appears from my research appears to be stolen from the accounts of the survivors of the horrific Allied bombing of Dresden, in their recounting the hideous cleanup after the fires stopped. Fake news has been around for a long time.
Why didn't the red cross mention anything about the gasings in any of their official reports?
Why does every world almanac show the jewish population going up every year that Hitler was in power?
Why wasn't the holocaust mentioned not even once in the 4000+ pages that general Patton wrote for his books?
Why did Hitler create the Haavara Agreement where 60k jews had the ability to migrate to Palestine between 1933-1939?
Why is the smoke stack at auschwitz not connected to a building but sitting on the ground?
How were jews being gassed to death with a pesticide that's non lethal to humans?
Ya I've heard that number come from priests before too.