Árbenz had been redistributing land to the poor — by 1952, he had seized 225,000 acres from wealthy landowners and large corporations — a program that affected the American-based United Fruit Company more than anyone else in the country.
Guevara — like many others — was convinced that the entire coup was an American scheme to support UFC’s business interests. And he was right: John Foster Dulles, then the U.S.’s secretary of state, was a former lawyer for UFC, and his brother was on the company’s board of directors.
-on Guevara's involvement in Guatemala opposing US corporate interests
Published July 24, 2019, Updated August 5, 2019 by Mark Oliver.
"Who Was Che Guevara? The Story Of The Argentinian Revolutionary Who Became A Global Icon": https://allthatsinteresting.com/ernesto-che-guevara
-on Guevara's involvement in Guatemala opposing US corporate interests