Nobody is really. Think for yourself. Stay comfy my friend. NCSWIC
Don't trust. Just verify.
Many other interesting things to consider in that links thread ... you know more than anybody not to immediately jump to any conclusions or counter-conclusions just based on a few threads. Sauce does not make a dish.
So let's see what we can whip up with everyone's recipes hahaha
@Clandestine's behavior documented on TS
Not about Racine though that's new info to me.
Thanks to the following for documentation.
@ArchiveAnon @Anon_Leon @paulmuaddib61 @godsgal @utism @therealtoriabrooke
... amoung many others
@Clandestine is not to be trusted.
... also amoung many others
Nobody is really. Think for yourself. Stay comfy my friend. NCSWIC
Don't trust. Just verify.
Many other interesting things to consider in that links thread ... you know more than anybody not to immediately jump to any conclusions or counter-conclusions just based on a few threads. Sauce does not make a dish.
So let's see what we can whip up with everyone's recipes hahaha
Hear, HEAR!!!