I have not been read telling him for 15 years, I legitimately had some mental issues that needed to be dealt with, but for the last three years, my brains back to working as close to normal as possible whatever that means lol. So I just keep chipping away at it… Since I’m feeling great these days, and most of our sessions are just me telling him how well things are going, I spend a little bit of time purposefully trying to read pill him. My insurance pays for the sessions. As far as psychologist go, he’s pretty cool. He does something called EMDR. He was one of the pioneers I guess, but it helps people with PTSD. Highly recommend!
"Every session we have, he hast to listen to me" - Yes that is what he gets paid to do ; )
So you only have had 15 years to redpill him... How long do you estimate it will still take in your opinion ?
Two more weeks. /jk 😁
I have not been read telling him for 15 years, I legitimately had some mental issues that needed to be dealt with, but for the last three years, my brains back to working as close to normal as possible whatever that means lol. So I just keep chipping away at it… Since I’m feeling great these days, and most of our sessions are just me telling him how well things are going, I spend a little bit of time purposefully trying to read pill him. My insurance pays for the sessions. As far as psychologist go, he’s pretty cool. He does something called EMDR. He was one of the pioneers I guess, but it helps people with PTSD. Highly recommend!