Tucker Carlson, tonight: Zelenskyy is trying to kill you and your children in a nuclear holocaust.
Sean Hannity, five hours earlier: We should completely obliterate Mother Russia.
Tucker Carlson, tonight: Zelenskyy is trying to kill you and your children in a nuclear holocaust.
Sean Hannity, five hours earlier: We should completely obliterate Mother Russia.
Its less annoying than the same line parroted all day. Maybe they are increasing market reach, maybe they value different voices. 😂😅 prolly the first one.
Always the first one.
Hannity is a CIA and Lindsey Graham cum dumpster.
The only value Fox has at this point is that Fox sometimes provide information people aren't getting on the other propaganda news networks.
I'm done with Fox News since election night 2020. They are tossed in the garbage bin.
i used to think that but they're the go-to for the normie right. they're being trained to see the truth for themselves now too.
Disney: we’ll if conservatives hate our forced gay indoctrination of children. I guess we will force indoctrinate them on fox instead.
Im good with it, but I dont watch anyway. These people arent reading the news, they are giving commentary. Hearing different opinions leads to more complex thinking.
Hannity is a dip-shit