Why I'm leaving the Democratic Party
I love our country. Our God-given rights of freedom, life, and liberty enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights are my inspiration. I answered the call to duty and took an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms, both in...
Oh, shes been getting lessons on how to smooth-talk like a RINO. Talk is cheap.
But little miss wolf-in-sheep-clothes fails even her well manicured anti-democrat party cheap-talk by not daring to mention the elephant (but many other elephant's) in the room.
Dear Tulsi: Tell the American people about how the democrat party forced an illegal, and flagrantly unconstitutional 2020 election onto the helpless American public, and then violated their oath of office to illegally certify that fraudulent, rigged election.
Tulsi is a fraud. She has never denounced the rigged 2020 election, even wile she chirps about "democrat party lawlessness." Her script writers, and handler's don't want her going there.
Until she starts to loudly, and forcefully rally the democrat dimwits towards the facts of the rigged 2020 elections, and widespread democrat sponsored election fraud (Scott Foval, Bob Creamer, etc.) she is nothing more that another polished turd politician looking to dump a shit agenda on the American public.
Tulsi voted 2X to impeach President Trump, that seals it for me. Yeas she is very attractive but remember that even Satan was once the most beautiful of God's creation.
This. The first sentence anyway. The rest is a story and erodes your credibility. But definite +1 for pointing out the thing most don't want to bring up.
There's a good chance she's suddenly switching to be released from the Trump Curse. Won't work. She should take heart though. The Trump Curse usually just makes a person a poor, miserable laughing stock, unlike being Arkancided.
Her manifesto is spot on truth. There is the possibility that trump and Q team wanted trump to be impeached 2x and that she is playing the role she was directed to play and now is part of the Demexit / Red Tsunami. She could just be an operator carrying out orders. Either way, he manifesto is a huge redpill.
Is Tulsi leaving the Democrat party to become a RINO?
Damned if I know.
But READ her substack piece -- it's a HUGE redpill for Democrats and other normies who like and trust her. By writing this, Tulsi has done an amazing job of waking people up and bringing them to our side.
No, she doesn't mention the stolen election. Why? My guess is that it would be enough to turn the reader off in many cases. Everything she talks about here is something most people understand and agree with, whether they've clearly accepted it or not. And people not only know about and understand what she's saying, they are concerned about the topics.
But some topics are "radioactive" at this point; covering them would cancel much of the impact of her column. "She's become a right-wing nutjob" is the feeling many readers would be left with (and yes, it's the FEELING that really sways people in most cases . . . which is the main reason it's so hard to open people's eyes to the truth). Vague disgust would replace the positive feelings many readers would have for what they'd just read.
Whether Tulsi is MAGA through and through or a snake in the grass aiming to infiltrate the GOP, what she's done here is VERY helpful to the cause of making America sane, healthy, and great again.
My guess (55% confidence level) is that she's working with the White Hats.
I think that part of being a good critical thinker, is to always reserve the right to change your mind on even a long held stance on something, when presented with new information later on. In the article, it seems like she maybe doing similar due to a long list of failures of the current Democratic party. She could be setting an example for others to follow, to now leave it.
She’s full of shit.