To Have Gotten This Far Without a Single Dose of the Clotshot is Turning Out to Be a Huge Virtue.
Each day that goes by I feel the balance of validation that I knew not to take it (and convinced a number of others not to as well) along with sadness for those who did, but I could not convince.
These are surreal days to be alive. I hope to see these bastards hang for what they've done to so many people and for so long. May God's Kingdom come soon.
Proverbs 24:17-20 17 When your enemy falls, do not rejoice, And when he stumbles, do not let your heart be joyful; 18 Otherwise, Jehovah will see and be displeased, And He will turn away his anger from him. 19 Do not be upset because of evil men; Do not envy wicked people, 20 For there is no future for anyone evil; The lamp of the wicked will be extinguished.
Perfect post for this. The vaaaaast majority of the population got the shots. Many got all of them. Those same people are the ones who became so pompous and ridiculing about it.
They're going to quickly start realizing they were duped and became assholes real quick.
We don't need to say anything. Offer love and a listening ear. Join them in their anger and outrage. There will be a lot of it.
Anons did what we had to do. Spread the information as much as we could. I know I was ridiculed in ways I never thought possible. By family especially. People unfriended me on FB (yes still have it for family). Constant comments arguing with me. Prevented from going to at least one Christmas dinner and other gatherings due to not having the vaxx card.
It's been a rough go emotionally. But I've done everything I could to get through to now without getting it. Including a weeks long back and forth with my HR department to avoid being fired for not getting it. Working from home now. Thankfully my efforts paid off.
But even with the anger and resentment I have deep down, these people were all brainwashed by fear. It's not entirely their "fault". Most people went into the pandemic without having their eyes open as Anons had already been.
Pray. Provide solace in a world that's about to lose its collective mind.