To Have Gotten This Far Without a Single Dose of the Clotshot is Turning Out to Be a Huge Virtue.
Each day that goes by I feel the balance of validation that I knew not to take it (and convinced a number of others not to as well) along with sadness for those who did, but I could not convince.
These are surreal days to be alive. I hope to see these bastards hang for what they've done to so many people and for so long. May God's Kingdom come soon.
Pure blood from 1970 on. No tests, even when I was sick with something last year. Unfortunately, my other half (not married) is unsavable, as are her kids and her elderly father. I’m awaiting the phone call while I’m at work, or to wake up next to a dead woman. I tried…
I don’t mean to sound callus by stating this, but no amount of receipts that I presented could convince them to not get the death jab, and they all just got their second boosters. So excuse me if my post seems cold. I’m just waiting for the inevitable…
I feel you. We don’t want people to harm themselves but just can’t stop someone from doing what they are going to do!