To Have Gotten This Far Without a Single Dose of the Clotshot is Turning Out to Be a Huge Virtue.
Each day that goes by I feel the balance of validation that I knew not to take it (and convinced a number of others not to as well) along with sadness for those who did, but I could not convince.
These are surreal days to be alive. I hope to see these bastards hang for what they've done to so many people and for so long. May God's Kingdom come soon.
I pray every night these injections are not deadly and that people will be ok. Saying this I am the only one of four in my family that said no to the shot and no to the tests. I was sick but just normal cold and flu sick. My family members all vaccinated have tested positive for covid. I never tried talking to them because they are all anti Trump and would never listen anyways. They say I believe everything I read. I will be an orphan if it is all true about the deaths and the blood clots. Please say a prayer for those who thought they were helping society.