The roughly 65 million retirees who collect Social Security benefits in the US will get a 8.7% increase next year, the largest bump since 1981, to compensate for the highest inflation bout in decades
Problem is the inflation numbers are made up. It's a lot more. Next month well over 9% and climbing. They just needed to hold the appearance down until the COLA decision was made.
By the time they are done they'll leave nothing for following generations to collect.
Following generations must first pay into it as has been done all along. If they do not pay in they will get nothing out, correct.
I've paid into it since I was a teenager. If the older generations drain it before I or my kids are old enough to collect, we are shit out of luck. Due to "inflation" they are pulling out more than they put in. Of course if people keep dying from the clot shot, maybe that will solve the problem, maybe the gov is counting on it.
That's a false paradigm, government is stealing it and always has, but it isn't older generations doing the stealing it IS government.
Older generations are simply drawing a portion of what they paid in, and we will never get back what we DID faithfully contribute, let alone the 2 % or whatever the interest was 'sposed to be.
When my Father passed away about 25 years ago he had been taking his SS for maybe 10 years, after paying into it since it's inception in 1935. I used to tell myself that I was ok with paying into it, even tho I myself didn't expect to ever collect it, because he did collect some. 30 years ago and more government and media and talking heads all agreed it was fixing to run pout of money because government steals it, and there would ne nothing for us.
But I was ok paying in because my Dad got some, even if the double damned corrupt government DID steal 'his' monies they replaced it with mine.
That's the model these days - my monies were spent by a thieving government but the monies others pay in pays me. And I ;pay myself too - even tho I am retired and drawing the money I still work and pay into the fund too.
It is not us older folks draining it, it is corrupt government stealing it.
I'm not saying the people themselves are responsible. Obviously. It's the damn government and this SS scam to begin with that is due to implode on itself because it was a bad idea to begin with. I never wanted to pay into it. I wanted to have the freedom to invest in my own retirement under my own terms. Fuck this socialist program. Anyone who still supports it supports allowing the gov to rob a future generation, because sooner or later, your kids, or grandkids, will be left holding the bag.