I’ve been looking into the City of Minneapolis and Konnech to see what I can find, so I can light it up at the next Town Hall. Minneapolismn.gov has removed the initial contract and documents from its website. Thankfully I archived and printed hard copies of everything yesterday. More in comments
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Socratic method… go and just ask questions and keep asking. ‘Given the recently revealed facts about Konnech storing election data on Chinese servers and MN has signed agreements with them that were posted on the government website and now have been removed (don’t worry I have them printed out right here), what is this administration’s plan to ensure integrity of our elections?
All I get is 2 minutes. This is definitely going in my speech somewhere toward the end. I’m going to start with facts and background. Followed by the city’s statement after the arrest. Show the contradiction from the documents. Highlight approval of the contract was unanimous. Then question integrity. Of current and former council members, and the election and data moving forward. They have been put on notice.