“Recurrence and metastasis are increasing — Kruger points out that many of the cancer patients she’s seeing have been in remission for years, only to suddenly be beset with uncontrollable cancer growth and metastasis shortly after their COVID jab”
Sounds familiar. My grandfather was diagnosed with an aggressive metastatic melanoma shortly after a Moderna booster (he had the j&j initially). The supposed cancer from which it metastasized was removed years ago and the doctors were confident at time that he was cancer free. It’s kind of ironic actually…he survived colon cancer 45 years ago and now he’s going to die of a cancer that grew out of control because he was terrified of dying of covid.
“Recurrence and metastasis are increasing — Kruger points out that many of the cancer patients she’s seeing have been in remission for years, only to suddenly be beset with uncontrollable cancer growth and metastasis shortly after their COVID jab”
Sounds familiar. My grandfather was diagnosed with an aggressive metastatic melanoma shortly after a Moderna booster (he had the j&j initially). The supposed cancer from which it metastasized was removed years ago and the doctors were confident at time that he was cancer free. It’s kind of ironic actually…he survived colon cancer 45 years ago and now he’s going to die of a cancer that grew out of control because he was terrified of dying of covid.
Interesting way to put it:
IOW, he is going to die from fear.