Itkis is a "Liberal Independent".... whatever that is. So Babylon-North has regurgitated yet another yet another abomination to seek high office. No surprise there, but isn't it fascinating to witness a city that is captive to evil putting forth ever more grotesque and disturbed "leaders"? The last time I was in NYC was back in the 1990s, and believe me, that WAS THE LAST TIME... ever.
Itkis is a "Liberal Independent".... whatever that is. So Babylon-North has regurgitated yet another yet another abomination to seek high office. No surprise there, but isn't it fascinating to witness a city that is captive to evil putting forth ever more grotesque and disturbed "leaders"? The last time I was in NYC was back in the 1990s, and believe me, that WAS THE LAST TIME... ever.
That moniker 'liberal independent' was a new on me too.
They keep pushing the filth. It won't be long before 'MAP" will be on a dropdown menu: minor attracted person.
He was probably hired by Nadler to run against him, so that he looks like the better choice.
Dylan Stevenson is the Republican. Itkis could pull votes from Nader. Guess we’ll see.
The guy looks like a huge penis. Are we surprised?
Well, he's used up his 15 minutes of fame. Hope it was worth it. 🙄
Lol, dude is running so he doesn't have to bebillegal any more because he hasbto paybl for it. GOLD.
This is what common sense is up against?