I would say the opposite, be considerate of them. We were all asleep at some point. These are the people we are fighting to save in this war. Get over your narcissism that you want everyone to admire you or whatever. Fit in with their group. Give them a little bit of truth when they are ready. Don't be super offended that everyone is not on your level. Think of all the people much more awake than you and how they feel about you being asleep to most things.
I would say the opposite, be considerate of them. We were all asleep at some point. These are the people we are fighting to save in this war. Get over your narcissism that you want everyone to admire you or whatever. Fit in with their group. Give them a little bit of truth when they are ready. Don't be super offended that everyone is not on your level. Think of all the people much more awake than you and how they feel about you being asleep to most things.