My grandfather, who was a great man, had a list of rules that he lived by. The most important of these rules was, "Never think, nor allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking, that you're something special. This removes ego from everything that you do, and makes your life much, much easier."
He was absolutely right. I know that ALL ego cannot be removed, because, after all, we're human. I just suppressed the misguided side of ego, and it's worked for me.
My grandfather, who was a great man, had a list of rules that he lived by. The most important of these rules was, "Never think, nor allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking, that you're something special. This removes ego from everything that you do, and makes your life much, much easier."
He was absolutely right. I know that ALL ego cannot be removed, because, after all, we're human. I just suppressed the misguided side of ego, and it's worked for me.
Being humble works well too.