It's because it doesn't. SB18 is about native americans and being able to control roads on their reservations. He really hasn't done much aside from the SB277 which doesn't really even do what the above says. It basically removed religious exemptions from elementary school vaccine mandates in CA which just had everyone go to their doctor and ask for a medical exemption which could be obtained for reasons like "vaccines stress me out."
But I guess it doesn't matter because we don't ever look into these things, we just post and dox people now.
There are a bunch of SB18 bills I found when I searched. the most recent one listed for 2021-22 year says it's about hydrocarbons. That's why I was asking for some sauce.
I've been burned too many times on these things so I look them all up now.
If it is showing up as multiple bills, that means that it was never passed. They reuse numbers until it passes, kind of like how there will never be another Hurricane Andrew or Ian. They stop using the name when it happens.
I believe that black hats post stuff like that in here so we run off and post it to other places without checking and then smartasses "Fact Check" us and make us look foolish.
It's because it doesn't. SB18 is about native americans and being able to control roads on their reservations. He really hasn't done much aside from the SB277 which doesn't really even do what the above says. It basically removed religious exemptions from elementary school vaccine mandates in CA which just had everyone go to their doctor and ask for a medical exemption which could be obtained for reasons like "vaccines stress me out."
But I guess it doesn't matter because we don't ever look into these things, we just post and dox people now.
There are a bunch of SB18 bills I found when I searched. the most recent one listed for 2021-22 year says it's about hydrocarbons. That's why I was asking for some sauce.
I've been burned too many times on these things so I look them all up now.
If it is showing up as multiple bills, that means that it was never passed. They reuse numbers until it passes, kind of like how there will never be another Hurricane Andrew or Ian. They stop using the name when it happens.
I believe that black hats post stuff like that in here so we run off and post it to other places without checking and then smartasses "Fact Check" us and make us look foolish.