Which god? Because God, or G-d, if that's your thing, isn't a name... It's very ambiguous, and could refer to anyone or anything - it was planned that way. There are actually many gods, and they ALL claim to be Thee God, The ONE AND ONLY!
Seems like if you're gonna worship, you'd better know exactly who you're worshipping.. And taking the word of some dude in funny robes or fancy suit probably isn't the best way to go about it.
15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
From the pics I think it would be safe to deduce it is The Messiah, Our Lord Jesus Christ that is being talking about.
Lol... "some"? Try like... a majority of Christians who are made insecure because the institution programmed them that way.
However the same applies to ALL religious fundamentalist groups, yes ALL OF THEM. The problem is, hyper devout followers think they are above respecting the will of others and their choices because they selected the correct one...
I Belong to no institution, no denomination, no physical church group outside of God's Family who ever they are.
Truth is there are not many who really believe the Word of God. Many follow the man made religion that organized religion has put in place and its powerless. Sit, kneel, stand etc.
You tell me about what you think of Jesus Christ and from The Word of God it is easy to see where a person will go spiritually.
Jesus Christ himself said, "the works that I do ye shall do also and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father".
Greater works than Christ? Yes indeed. So if you can't see yourself in this light maybe it's just powerless religion yiu follow.
God's people are powerful, we must stop denying the power thereof.
I follow Jesus because if you do as He commanded, you will see the results for yourself. The fruits of loving your enemies, treating others the way you want to be treated, turning the other cheek- if you actually do as He said, you'll see it for yourself. Beyond that is anyone's guess and this is where I diverge from the conventional programming.
You see I actually have a PERSONAL relationship with Christ. And I actually mean PERSONAL not the Christian double speak where they sell you a personal relationship then are very quick to correct you. And that's when I started to realize groupthink isn't a problem of one specific ideology, it's a deep rooted human problem. Churches in the west are a business. They do not worship Jesus or any particular god. No the thing most churches sadly worship is the collection plate... This isn't to say they are all bad. A lot of the smaller ones are a benefit to their community. And a lot of the big churches do make good on helping people. However, other's primary purpose is to keep asses in pews. Keep that holy gravy flowin cause preacher needs a private jet.
These are the topics of discussion that do not happen enough here. These are the topics that incur faceless downvotes because a lot of well meaning believers have warped their thinking to accept that if it's not in the Bible, it doesn't matter. I used to be one such moron and if a lot of people would have a true coming to Jesus moment, realize how full of themselves they are and accept that the religion is NOT the end all be all, we would start to make some genuine progress towards advancing our civilization and healing the division.
But you're gonna encounter a lot of pro statist Christians who would unironically welcome a theocracy as long as it's based on their specific brand of faith... which brings us back to your original point and the problems that will ensue from doing such.
Bottom line, the Fist Amendment MUST be adhered too no matter how right any fundamentalist thinks they are. Unless Jesus Himself comes back and establishes HIS Kingdom plainly and for all to see, I'd rather keep the Constitution and avoid another Inquisition...
Which god? Because God, or G-d, if that's your thing, isn't a name... It's very ambiguous, and could refer to anyone or anything - it was planned that way. There are actually many gods, and they ALL claim to be Thee God, The ONE AND ONLY!
Seems like if you're gonna worship, you'd better know exactly who you're worshipping.. And taking the word of some dude in funny robes or fancy suit probably isn't the best way to go about it.
But they could help!
Philippians 1:
15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
From the pics I think it would be safe to deduce it is The Messiah, Our Lord Jesus Christ that is being talking about.
Lol... "some"? Try like... a majority of Christians who are made insecure because the institution programmed them that way.
However the same applies to ALL religious fundamentalist groups, yes ALL OF THEM. The problem is, hyper devout followers think they are above respecting the will of others and their choices because they selected the correct one...
I Belong to no institution, no denomination, no physical church group outside of God's Family who ever they are.
Truth is there are not many who really believe the Word of God. Many follow the man made religion that organized religion has put in place and its powerless. Sit, kneel, stand etc.
You tell me about what you think of Jesus Christ and from The Word of God it is easy to see where a person will go spiritually.
Jesus Christ himself said, "the works that I do ye shall do also and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father".
Greater works than Christ? Yes indeed. So if you can't see yourself in this light maybe it's just powerless religion yiu follow.
God's people are powerful, we must stop denying the power thereof.
You are so unbelievably correct here.
And btw I am Christian. But don't hold that against me.
Looks like we both hit a couple anons right in their insecurities..
How about this. THE God and Father of Jesus Christ the Son of God. GOD Jehovah, Elohim, Adonai.
I follow Jesus because if you do as He commanded, you will see the results for yourself. The fruits of loving your enemies, treating others the way you want to be treated, turning the other cheek- if you actually do as He said, you'll see it for yourself. Beyond that is anyone's guess and this is where I diverge from the conventional programming.
You see I actually have a PERSONAL relationship with Christ. And I actually mean PERSONAL not the Christian double speak where they sell you a personal relationship then are very quick to correct you. And that's when I started to realize groupthink isn't a problem of one specific ideology, it's a deep rooted human problem. Churches in the west are a business. They do not worship Jesus or any particular god. No the thing most churches sadly worship is the collection plate... This isn't to say they are all bad. A lot of the smaller ones are a benefit to their community. And a lot of the big churches do make good on helping people. However, other's primary purpose is to keep asses in pews. Keep that holy gravy flowin cause preacher needs a private jet.
These are the topics of discussion that do not happen enough here. These are the topics that incur faceless downvotes because a lot of well meaning believers have warped their thinking to accept that if it's not in the Bible, it doesn't matter. I used to be one such moron and if a lot of people would have a true coming to Jesus moment, realize how full of themselves they are and accept that the religion is NOT the end all be all, we would start to make some genuine progress towards advancing our civilization and healing the division.
But you're gonna encounter a lot of pro statist Christians who would unironically welcome a theocracy as long as it's based on their specific brand of faith... which brings us back to your original point and the problems that will ensue from doing such.
Bottom line, the Fist Amendment MUST be adhered too no matter how right any fundamentalist thinks they are. Unless Jesus Himself comes back and establishes HIS Kingdom plainly and for all to see, I'd rather keep the Constitution and avoid another Inquisition...