Let me say this again: We are heading into a Maunder minimum-like event. It started in April 2020.
What this means is Polar Vortices and longer winters and meh summers (shortened growing season) for the Northern Hemisphere, and Cool summers and warm wet Winters for the Southern Hemisphere (Prolly more fungal and insect attacks for agriculture, but maybe OK for meat industry).
This is based on sun cycles. The Sun rules the climate.
These people are so misinformed.
Let me say this again: We are heading into a Maunder minimum-like event. It started in April 2020.
What this means is Polar Vortices and longer winters and meh summers (shortened growing season) for the Northern Hemisphere, and Cool summers and warm wet Winters for the Southern Hemisphere (Prolly more fungal and insect attacks for agriculture, but maybe OK for meat industry).
This is based on sun cycles. The Sun rules the climate.
her accent is a little thick, but have patience, because it is worth it:
Agree. But these people are promoting: Global warming, global cooling. same difference... give us your money and panic.