If it's truly important that we get off of Telegram, lives-at-stake level important, then Gregg needs to explain that clearly.
Repeatedly too at this point, since he made the questionable choice of starting off with an overly coy "mystery warning" that has already split people into the "I will obey" and "Explain yourself first" camps.
He now has to dispel the fog that he himself created.
If it's truly important that we get off of Telegram, lives-at-stake level important, then Gregg needs to explain that clearly.
Repeatedly too at this point, since he made the questionable choice of starting off with an overly coy "mystery warning" that has already split people into the "I will obey" and "Explain yourself first" camps.
He now has to dispel the fog that he himself created.
Absolutely! You'd think the "I will obey" crowd would be ok with this because of their unshaken faith. Thats how I feel when I stand behind Trump.