We know what they are capable of and we know they are already changing the flu vaccine to be an mRNA type. Who can say they won't do the same with EVERY vaccine in the future? Rubella, chicken pox, measles, polio, etc.
How can we trust them, knowing they willfully and happily produced billions of shots and boosters specifically meant to kill us? Kill our children!?!?!
I'm going full ANTI-VAX / homeopathic from here on out.
I'm 73 and have never had a tetanus shot. As a child growing up in the country, I have stepped on more rusty nails and barbed wire than I can count. When I was about 4 or 5, I stepped on a rusty one that went all the way thru my foot. Daddy pulled it out and poured turpentine on my foot. That stuff burned like my foot was on fire. Within a few days I was as good as new. Some of the old remedies work better than modern medicine without the side effects or the huge price tag.