What's not to say that Igor was "our guy" the entire time, or possibly flipped? You would need to keep your assets out of jail if you want them to testify in your favor and to have unrestricted access to them. I have a heavy suspicion that most of these people we think are "bad", aren't. I'm not talking about the big fish, but the little ones we don't know much about before now, even for us schizos. Actors in a movie. Especially Comey (probably one of the only bigger fish), since him and Trump have a working history. Use the small guys no one's heard of to be the plaintiff & defendant and therefore the only purpose for the trial, is to submit evidence to the court, not necessarily deliver a judgement, in this case, of guilty (because we clearly know the facts are facts). The big fish don't know any better, only that they are desperate and need allies.. does that make sense? If a "judgement" isn't made or a trial isn't set, you either have indictments under seal or documents submitted that can therefore be manipulated. Once its public in a trial, its part of a verbal testimony. Which makes it, "public information".
I give the "military is the only way" credit too. But the more time goes on, its becoming clear to me the statement referred to often by Q and MIL, that there are a lot more of us than them.
What's not to say that Igor was "our guy" the entire time, or possibly flipped? You would need to keep your assets out of jail if you want them to testify in your favor and to have unrestricted access to them. I have a heavy suspicion that most of these people we think are "bad", aren't. I'm not talking about the big fish, but the little ones we don't know much about before now, even for us schizos. Actors in a movie. Especially Comey (probably one of the only bigger fish), since him and Trump have a working history. Use the small guys no one's heard of to be the plaintiff & defendant and therefore the only purpose for the trial, is to submit evidence to the court, not necessarily deliver a judgement, in this case, of guilty (because we clearly know the facts are facts). The big fish don't know any better, only that they are desperate and need allies.. does that make sense? If a "judgement" isn't made or a trial isn't set, you either have indictments under seal or documents submitted that can therefore be manipulated. Once its public in a trial, its part of a verbal testimony. Which makes it, "public information".
I give the "military is the only way" credit too. But the more time goes on, its becoming clear to me the statement referred to often by Q and MIL, that there are a lot more of us than them.
JustHuman would agree with you
Possibly so! I try to think as abstract as possible and not fall into the linear thinking trap when it comes to this 4d chess game.