posted ago by Oblakhan ago by Oblakhan +53 / -0

I just came through where the wife was watching the propaganda tube again.

What do I catch? The same shit I caught yesterday. Dr Phil shill (child trafficking Opie's egghead spin off) with a couple of parents crying about how their child committed suicide because of cyber bullying. Today it is a white mom and dad; yesterday it was a black mom. I've seen the same shit again and again from a lot of different MSM sources.

Of course all the audience is sighing, crying, and somber faced as they are just as concerned for the kids as Puppet Phil. He is so concerned for the kids with his fake indigination; (the same kids they are all pushing to take the poison jabs).

I said to the wife, "you do understand what all that bullshit coming from the talking heads is about don't you?" I then proceeded to enlighten her.

You didn't see this bullshit until the last few years. Why? Because they have lost control of the narrative. They want to shut up the awakened. They want to shut down dissent on the internet by labeling everything cyber bullying and hate speach. The stupid sheeple are all emotional fools. Play the right chords and they will give you the dancing chicken routine right in tune. They will keep that virtue signaling up until they and we have the rights granted to us under the 1st Amendment stripped from us.

The damned sheeple are a clear and present danger to this nation. Their stupidity cannot be over estimated. Their inability to see what is being pushed on them has the potential to destroy us all.