I think there will be a lot less fraud this election cycle plus a big red wave. We will lose some to fraud but we will regain the majority in both house and senate and as a bonus fewer of them will be the rino types. Plus what fraud occurs this time will be further exposed. The country is pissed.
Trafalgar is still a tool when they need to be.
Out of 1078 people they asked 46.7% Democrats, 42.7% Republicans and 10.6% Independents who would win the Gov race in PA and 52.8% said Shapiro and 43.5 Mastriano.... This is pretty much the same thing they were doing in the primary. They are afraid of Mastriano.
Polling is definitely not an exact science. Just sayin' that out of all of them, Trafalgar has been the most accurate in recent years. The only way to know is before/after analysis.
I do agree with you. I think Trafalgar is the example of "most unbiased" they put out against their blatant propaganda. It's their go-to when things get desperate and they can't afford to loose PA as they have a lot invested in Josh Shapiro. It is literally a night and day difference for PA between those two candidates. Shapiro would be worse than Newsom.
How about the Dems are being dismantled in front of their faces? THEY are the deniers...
Wonder if China's canceled their fake ballot order on Alibaba?
Peaked too soon? WTF? The entire country is Red. They are the minority here. GTFOH!
I think there will be a lot less fraud this election cycle plus a big red wave. We will lose some to fraud but we will regain the majority in both house and senate and as a bonus fewer of them will be the rino types. Plus what fraud occurs this time will be further exposed. The country is pissed.
And RCP skews 7-10 points left.
Yep a lot of polls run by Berniebros at some wacky university.
Trafalgar is the only one based in reality. https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org/
Trafalgar is still a tool when they need to be.
Out of 1078 people they asked 46.7% Democrats, 42.7% Republicans and 10.6% Independents who would win the Gov race in PA and 52.8% said Shapiro and 43.5 Mastriano.... This is pretty much the same thing they were doing in the primary. They are afraid of Mastriano.
Polling is definitely not an exact science. Just sayin' that out of all of them, Trafalgar has been the most accurate in recent years. The only way to know is before/after analysis.
I do agree with you. I think Trafalgar is the example of "most unbiased" they put out against their blatant propaganda. It's their go-to when things get desperate and they can't afford to loose PA as they have a lot invested in Josh Shapiro. It is literally a night and day difference for PA between those two candidates. Shapiro would be worse than Newsom.
And a lot of Rs won’t say anything to polls because they don’t want the violent Left coming after them, or winding up on some Fed list.
The polls only get more honest the closer they get to the election if they think their might be another election later...