YO! Haters! So, GAW rolling with the Danchenko trial verdict is "moving the goalposts," is it? Like Danchenko was our big end goal or something? That's your big 'gotcha' for us? That's *retarded*. LOOK INTO MY EYES:
🧠 These people are stupid!

That could've been done in a deposition instead of a trial. Durham would get his info, Danchenko would walk away, and we wouldn't see another loss in court.
If you read the court transcript, you will see that things came from various places, including the back and forth between Durham and the judge. A deposition doesn't contain all that. A deposition also doesn't have a judge refereeing the questions or answers. I once did a transcription of an oral deposition in which the defendant in question was a used car dealer and, based on the deposition, had no idea in the world how many cars he sold, or if he sold any, or how much money he made. He "didn't recall" or "didn't know" on most of the questions.
So no, just a deposition wouldn't accomplished much at all.