With all of the Telegram hype, I ventured into the app this afternoon as it had been a bit since I'd checked on the news from the various channels that I follow. Nothing to write home about, but I noticed a very dark vibe from the comments that I perused. My usual, jovial self actually started to doom reading about current events, specifically the CDC vote tomorrow, among other things. The message that I got is that we are not winning and that the end is nigh. Could this toxic view on life be the poison that GP is speaking of? Anyway, it got me thinking about the past year. Exactly one year ago this week, I found out that mine and my husband's job were at risk of being eliminated because we both refused the EUA jab. We were told we had 4 weeks to fill out a waiver and wait on approval from HR -- or face termination without the option of seeking unemployment benefits. I remember I was terrified and immediately sent emails to the CFO pleading with them not to proceed. He was understanding, but claimed his hands were tied -- that it was the Legal Department's decision and they were following fed contractor-based rules. It was very disheartening, but we stood our ground and didn't get the shot - we offered it up to God. A lot of people that were initially resistant did succumb, however, and when the mandates were shot down in court, all of those who had complied were pissed, if you can imagine.
My point of this is -- as dark as that time seemed, a piece of me knew that the mandate would never stick. I felt that we would have divine intervention and months later, that prophetic feeling came true and the mandate was lifted. We had won a scrimmage in this seemingly endless war.
Today, the uneasy feeling crept back into my periphery, but only for a second as I was reminded that we will have losses in this war, but they will be countered with equally astounding wins. Negativity is the harbinger of doom and others who revel in the dark ocean will try to pull you in with them. In the words of Crowded House, don't let them win. We've got this!
The problem with this type of thinking is that you ignore all the horrendous stuff that happens while you wait for good things to appear.
The border is wide open. In fact, the issue is so absurd that now in Canada they are finding hoards of people in containers having been smuggled. The situations is so dire there is literally no win in this one.
Tens of millions of Americans, including patriots DID get jabbed BY coercion before the bullshit "mandates" were lifted. Those side effects are popping up more and more as time moves on. That's hardly a win. The damage is done. In fact, covid was a colossal win for the DS. I think people forget just how fucked up normies were and how insane compliance was.
What's the plan for these millions of people walking around? All the criminals and unknowns? How many sleeper cells does the DS have in here now? It's literally impossible to know.
They cut the "covid" shit out simultaneously all over the world. Odd isn't it? I wonder why. Not a win. Not even close.
They stole the election and no one did a damn thing about it. Not a win.
Durham has proven to be useless and all the shills who anons like to watch and listen to were convinced that dossier faggot was gonna go down and how big a deal it was. That ended up being another goal post change because "haha who cares he's a small fry"
The most important one no one, including Q, wants to talk about is DIGITAL ID. That shit is moving so fast rapidly and without issue.
What's the plan for that? Nothing that I've seen so far. I find it incredibly strange that it's not even talked about and as far as I know, no Q posts about it.
The medical industry is fully inundated by woke faggots as is education. The police state grows. Not winning in any sense there.
Crime is through the roof across the US as is every category of crime you can think of.
Winning? Yea in some ways.
This idea that anyone who points out horrendous shit that's happened and happening being a doomer is retarded.
We have one event left that matters and it's the midterms. Like I said in a post of mine from last night, if that shit is stolen, shit hitting the fan is inevitable and all this was a psyop.
Your comment made me laugh -- Who says I'm ignoring anything? I was ready to lose my job last year, but I fought to keep it. I've lost family and friends over this bullshit, so saying I'm waiting here for something good to happen while to world is going to hell is just plain tone deaf.
If you put good into the world, good will come back to you -- this is the point of my post. Your anger toward the those who choose to see the light at the end of shit tunnel is very telling and it doesn't help the situation.
It's nice to repeat wall poster sayings but I layered the reality of the situation for you step by step.
You're talking about your personal experience with your job I'm talking about the welfare of the economy, the country, citizens, health, wealth, rights, crime, law and order, tyranny and the future.
"Hang in there"...I've seen that poster in college many times.
But none of that matters because the goal posts have moved so many times the past is the past.
Midterms is it. IF they steal that one, and frankly, odds are they will considering the past, come back here and tell me what the "good you put out" did. If we do win, the fight is still on and we'll know it.
And I didn't write anything funny so don't pretend you laughed.
Yeah, I suppose when I lost my parents and 2 brothers I could've chosen to not "hang in there". Same for when I had my 5th miscarriage. My daughter would not be here had I not "hung in there" and just given up. Appreciate your condescending approach because it proves my point. We all face adversity differently and I know that I would rather have a group of positive retards in my corner that a batch of angry curmudgeons.
You're just taking it personally. I'm not angry, I'm stating the reality lol. And anons and everyone else need to begin observing reality and leave all these shills like x22, clandestine and all the other ones in the rear view.
These guys have done a better job at keeping people in a state of "just another 2 weeks" than covid did.
Midterms. Save the date.