World-rocking news, shared in a first interview on this subject, Report 298, and two recent State Assembly webinars by Anna von Reitz, Fiduciary for The United States of America: the American government has stepped forward to provide the gold to back the US dollar, a global banking and economic collapse has been averted, and US debt and Australian debt has been bought out.
The US Dollar is Now Asset-Backed: Banking Collapse, Hyperinflation, Bail-ins Averted
That's great. SHOW ME THE GOLD!!!
It's a simple request. Where ever the gold reserves are being stored, have the press go there and video / document the $Trillions in gold storage that is backing the U.S. $$$$. Put the evidence out there for the world to see. If the U.S. has the gold, then prove it.
That proof would help secure the $$$ and the world's currency and eliminate all doubts. Then again... if you can't provide proof, then doubts remain.