this is something that always bothered me, if the cabal has so much power cant they just change their electronic records to say whatever amount they want for anyone they want? Or is it to pay off the underlings? just curious
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Money laundering is not about catching criminals. Moving money is not a crime unless you can prove the money was a product of crime. ML is about gradually convincing large parts of society (banking employees, jewellers, car dealerships, etc.) to snitch on each other, and allowing cops (principally IRS, DEA and FBI, in the US) to selectively enforce whatever they want.
There's enough "good" work, catching criminals etc., for plenty of plausible deniability to pretend that anti-money-laundering laws actually catch criminals. Those are token cases when they happen. In reality the IRS sits on many thousands of reports of criminal activity and takes no action at all, but when a criminal is caught, the financial records are pulled to beef up the charges and intimidate people into confessions and surrendering cash.
Worth noting that in many cases the penalty for laundering money is worse than the original crime.