COMING TOMORROW NIGHT! — MEMESMITH WORKSHOP 101! — Learn the tricks of the trade of crafting most excellent memes for use in our memetic war. — All you need is a computer, a little imagination, and a Pepe! — Don't have a Pepe? The Mod Team will supply you with one! 🐸

One more thought because these may be useful resources for meme warriors.
NOTE: I am not affiliated with Affinity and I will make $0.00 if you decide to purchase anything from them. I just like these alternatives if you want to meme with your own tools. Also, I believe I've shared these resources before, so this post may look familiar to some.
Affinity graphics products are comparable to Adobe, but they are a one-time price and NOT a subscription. They each have a lot of the functionality of their comparable Adobe counterparts (with more added all the time) but without the ridiculous price tag. There are lots of free tutorials out there as well to cut down on the learning curve.
These are US links and prices, but at least they'll get you started if you wish to learn more. Here's the main site: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/
Affinity Photo (comparable to Photoshop)
Affinity Designer (comparable to Illustrator)
Affinity Publisher (comparable to Acrobat Pro)
FINAL NOTE: Affinity often has pretty good Black Friday deals, so if you do wish to purchase you might keep that in mind.
Again, I am not connected with Affinity or Serif in any way, nor am I an affiliate sales person for them. I will not benefit from any sales. I'm just trying to share useful resources.
I bailed on Adobe for Affinity a while back, and am quite happy. PS certainly has some tools more robust than Affinity Photo, but at this point I've forgotten which ones they are and just use AP for everything.
Have you ever used Gimp or Photopea (learning Photopea since my child is learning to use it).
I am wondering how they compare & if Affinity is worth the price for the new comer or avid member vs the ones I listed?
What are the pros & cons of each software set?