Not sure if this is the same New Urbanist design movement which aims to restore the creation of small towns / downtowns as opposed to globohomo sprawl but if so then I support it. Traditional conservatism demands small walkable towns not car-dependent nowhere places where people spend so much time driving that they only have time for like one or two kids. bring back the small town where kids can walk to their school, gradmas house, church, their friends house, their after school job.... right now parents are just glorified cheuffers or lawn-mowing slaves so no wonder our birthrates are shit. when you have a small town you can have a big family. plus in a small town you can have small local stores instead of an endless strip of coroporate globohomo big box stores or goyslop restaurants.
I don't view RS as a reliable source but I will say that parallel economies are the way forward if we can't stop this liberal craze.
Not sure if this is the same New Urbanist design movement which aims to restore the creation of small towns / downtowns as opposed to globohomo sprawl but if so then I support it. Traditional conservatism demands small walkable towns not car-dependent nowhere places where people spend so much time driving that they only have time for like one or two kids. bring back the small town where kids can walk to their school, gradmas house, church, their friends house, their after school job.... right now parents are just glorified cheuffers or lawn-mowing slaves so no wonder our birthrates are shit. when you have a small town you can have a big family. plus in a small town you can have small local stores instead of an endless strip of coroporate globohomo big box stores or goyslop restaurants.
Okay....I'm going to need more.
Here you go…