I'll keep it short and simple.
The jab causes jabbers to have antibodies specific to the OG strain, which is why it never worked. Covid had mutated by the time they came out.
...but the BU variant is OG strain made more virulent. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the OG strain the only strain jabbers have antibodies against?
If so, then this variant is specifically to target us.
They can then say "See? The jabbed were protected while the unvaxxed got sick. Get jabbed."
What say you fine ladies and gentlemen?
Natural viruses have never been isolated in by any scientists. Yes.
Does that mean "viruses" do not exist? This is the fallacy many "viruses do not exist" fall into.
Its entirely possible that in the last 40-50 years of furious research into "virology" they did manage to synthesise something that acts like what we believe a virus acts as.
So while Natural viruses havent been proven to exist, it does not preclude man-made virus-equivalents.