I guess there is a state or states where the legislature has actually passed one or more laws that say that you must recognize the student as the gender they identify as, or something like that.
I was talking with someone who was on the front-lines of this and I suggested to use that same logic against them. I suggested getting a bunch of students to stop going to class but be sure to let the school administration know that they identify as straight 'A' students and thus expect nothing less than an 'A' in every course. Maybe this would expose the foolishness of the whole 'identify as' movement.
Don't forget that the enemy is well-known for their double standards. These rules are for you to follow, not them. The rules are there to restrict and immobilize you while they ignore them.
Here's a summary of how their system works via Snake Plissken:
If you make enough noise to expose them it can put a dent in the narrative, which is what the memes and non-legacy media have been doing. They are already being exposed with all the reports of guys-pretending-to-be-girls doing women's sports among other things.
Pick your battles though. They don't follow their own rules and use whatever rules are convenient to get their agenda pushed through. The ignorant masses that blindly follow authority are easy pickings for them.