Genuinely curious, not trying to make you feel defensive or anything and it's a bit off topic, but have you ever thought about moving to a climate with a year round mild climate?
I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and the cold bothers me and I frequently think about just pulling up stakes and heading to warmer pastures.
Just curious about if others with similar issues would think that an extreme measure or is a reasonable idea.
No pressure to answer or give personal details. I really am just extremely nosy.
Genuinely curious, not trying to make you feel defensive or anything and it's a bit off topic, but have you ever thought about moving to a climate with a year round mild climate?
I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and the cold bothers me and I frequently think about just pulling up stakes and heading to warmer pastures.
Just curious about if others with similar issues would think that an extreme measure or is a reasonable idea.
No pressure to answer or give personal details. I really am just extremely nosy.
Yes I have actually, I used to live in Arizona, and for most of the year I really enjoyed it.
I currently live in IL and the sling shot weather is terrible for me, but I'm the eldest of a lot of kids, and my siblings aren't doing well atm.
We are looking to save up and move to a southern state, once we have the means available