WINNING! WV passes Hope Act for Homeschoolers!
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WARNING! If this comes without strings, that's great (and I haven't researched it), but homeschoolers everywhere need to understand that they are always putting their homeschool at risk when accepting ANY government funding for their education.
A school funded, even in part by the government, is subject to government regulations.
My pat response is always "NO. I do not need your funds for my school."
The new scary beasts are Educational Savings Accounts. Beware, these ways of funding can all present as wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Only issue I've found so far is that it applies immediately to public school kids wanting to get out. But not to already homeschooling kids.
By 2026, if less than 5% of WV public school body has participated, they will open the funding up to homeschool kids. They don't want to take too much funding from public Ed apparently,
It moves to the Senate next. This would allow SO MANY FAMILIES to flee the public school system.