Radio DJ Dies of ‘Heart Attack’ on Air
A local radio host died from a suspected heart attack while presenting his daily breakfast show. Tim Gough, 55, was presenting his morning programme for GenX Radio Suffolk when the music stopped playing half way through a song, about an hour into his slot....
Doctors are baffled
Nothing says "suddenly and unexpectedly" like dying during a live broadcast,
A Prophecy of the Lord from Julie Green
"Live on tv" "live on air" these are subsets of 'died suddenly' if this many are dying in the subset there are thousands more dying not live on tv or live on air.
It can be a challenge catching a meteor on video normally but it's easy during a meteor shower. We are living through a meteor shower of 'died suddenly'.
Interesting analogy.
‘Very healthy’
‘Catastrophic cardiac episode’
The New Normal
New meaning to the tern dead air.