75% is only Sweden. The most globalist-fooooked country in Europe, literally overtaken by immigrants in last 20 or so years. Africans and Easterners there do whatever they want and get all the “social security” from state. Swedes are not allowed to say anything.
72% is “farming has to stop!” Netherlands, seat of EU bureaucracy, staffed mainly with “overweight persons with sherbet colored hair”. I'm worried about Spain, 65% without substantial loss of culture and history is weird, they are not overrun. The rest of greens have all the immigrants and socialism you can imagine.
The poorer the country, the saner it remains :D Poland's 15% is probably fake, they were very religious and conservative last time I checked, probably some 2-4% of population, the fraction of the brainwashed youth, can take that trans BS.
Speaking up for Sweden here, of course they should have the same rights, since men and women have the same rights. I don’t belive that people belive them to be women, I belive people belive that it is the ”correct” answer to the survey.
75% is only Sweden. The most globalist-fooooked country in Europe, literally overtaken by immigrants in last 20 or so years. Africans and Easterners there do whatever they want and get all the “social security” from state. Swedes are not allowed to say anything.
72% is “farming has to stop!” Netherlands, seat of EU bureaucracy, staffed mainly with “overweight persons with sherbet colored hair”. I'm worried about Spain, 65% without substantial loss of culture and history is weird, they are not overrun. The rest of greens have all the immigrants and socialism you can imagine.
The poorer the country, the saner it remains :D Poland's 15% is probably fake, they were very religious and conservative last time I checked, probably some 2-4% of population, the fraction of the brainwashed youth, can take that trans BS.
Way to go Serbia at 1% !
Speaking up for Sweden here, of course they should have the same rights, since men and women have the same rights. I don’t belive that people belive them to be women, I belive people belive that it is the ”correct” answer to the survey.
EU is based in Brussels, Belgium...
...which on this map is no EU at all, with Norway, Swizerland, Estonia. Weird things, weird.