WE HAVE NUMBERS, FOLKS! Sorry for the delay in getting them to you (we had to remove over 450,0000 views alone from Mike Rothschild's IP address at the London Special Needs Boarding School) but here are our certified site traffic numbers! GAW served over 1.7M page views/month!
1.7M you say?

Mods don't have access to any analytics. We have to pull favours a little bit and do our best to maintain good relations with the pantheon of uber-mods in the skies above us, so, no.
"favour" + Cat Stevens.....hmmmm.....Catsfive, are you a Brit? Gotta watch how you use the "u" in some of your words. If you wanna play in the American sandbox then you need to stop using the "U" in favour. Lest we toss you out due to your forefathers roll in trying to deny our Independence. hehe. ;>) "U" are a great influence to the world. Don't stop spreading the idea of justice. We appreciate all you do on this board. God bless.
Canuck. I live in Alberta, Canada, and thank you. We have the best and most dedicated mod team around, and I'm serious when I say that we are ready for what's coming.