I'm going to be happy once these truths come out. Not happy that the evil exists, just happy that people that hide from the truth that these evil bastards walk among us will have to face that reality. Maybe "happy" isn't the right word because there will certainly not be any joy involved. Maybe "relieved" would be a better word. Relieved I can speak openly about these MFers without some random person calling me a conspiracy theorist. Relieved that the power behind the cabal will be brought down under the weight of public disclosure. Obviously, Happy that some justice will be served and prevent other children from being victimized.
I'm going to be happy once these truths come out. Not happy that the evil exists, just happy that people that hide from the truth that these evil bastards walk among us will have to face that reality. Maybe "happy" isn't the right word because there will certainly not be any joy involved. Maybe "relieved" would be a better word. Relieved I can speak openly about these MFers without some random person calling me a conspiracy theorist. Relieved that the power behind the cabal will be brought down under the weight of public disclosure. Obviously, Happy that some justice will be served and prevent other children from being victimized.
"Relieved" would be what I feel. Not being called crazy is good.