**Artemisinin** = The WINNER of the 2015 NOBEL PRIZE FOR MEDICINE
Also known as **Artemisia Annua**, this plant cures drug-resistant Malaria, has efficacy against Cancer and now (according to Miles Guo) potentially COVID-19. I've been taking it since 2018 daily as a cancer prophylaxis.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

Super helpful information. I will definitely keep you in mind.
I am getting tired of everything tasting rotten.
I have an interesting observation on the loss of taste and smell. Since I lost both it has been pretty consistently unpleasant. However, when I traveled to another city in the same state, my taste and smell came back with a vengeance. I could not get the food into my mouth fast enough. When I went home, all went back to "abby"normal. My theory is that the issue is tied to flora in the locations. Thought I would share.
Wow. Now that is an interesting twist. Maybe your living environment is harboring some sort of microscopic allergen or particle that is continuing your sinus inflammation. Think about what you could do to eradicate it from the interior spaces.
Consider: Super deep cleanings of the floors, carpets, windows, surfaces? Washing the walls? Cleaning the air ducts? Running an Oxiclean load into your dishwasher and washing machines? Spraying isopropyl alcohol on the fabrics of the furniture and into the air to kill the pathogens?
I don't know - but you are onto something. Figure it out and report back!