Professor Jeffrey Morris has inadvertently highlighted data for us that the death curve after COVID vaccination is NOT flat like it would be for a saline shot. This cannot be explained any way other than that the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people. (Bold in original)
Morris should also explain why over 300,000 people joined the “died suddenly group” on Facebook, mostly to tell their unique story of what happened to a loved one. That’s not a symptom of an “overreporting problem.” This is unprecedented.
All of these “sudden deaths” in plain sight are not an “overreporting problem.”
They are a symptom of a massively unsafe vaccine.
But UPenn professors cannot acknowledge this data because they do not consider such evidence to be “scientific.”
Sorry, science is about explaining all the data. You don’t get to ignore the evidence you don’t like, if you are a real scientist.
I'm right there with you! I am completely outraged at every aspect of the "pandemic" scam - starting with the massive scare tactics, to the lockdowns, mask mandates, the belittling and refusal to acknowledge existing safe treatments and on through all the vaccine madness - mandates, passports, restrictions.
I want EVERYONE involved in any aspect of all this to fucking swing at the end of a rope on live TV for the entire world to watch.
I want them all pissing and shitting themselves in anticipation of what they have coming to them.
This includes the globalists who set all this in motion, every government politician or bureaucrat who pushed this, every health and medical expert who imposed these idiotic policies or knowingly went along with them out of ignorance or in defense of their paycheck, every media talking head who used their platform to scare and manipulate the ignorant sheep, every law enforcement officer who upheld illegal mandates by injuring and arresting critical thinkers who were harming no one, all for the sake of their pensions, and every corporate head/manager/HR personnel who coldly put people out of work and into the streets just for trying to be cautious and making their own personal health decisions.
I really, really hate it for the innocent children who have to pay for the ignorance and stupidity of their parents/guardians who were supposed to be looking out for them.
At the same time, I feel no pity for the adult sheep who just went along so they could continue to be part of an immoral and corrupt society. I feel no pity for the adults who mocked us for speaking our minds and making our own decisions. I feel no pity for those who wanted the unvaxxed segregated from normal society, who thought of us as outcasts who didn't deserve to eat in a restaurant, travel, or hold a job.
I take no pleasure in knowing that I was right.