Something big and ugly is brewing…
Trump, Kanye, etc. It’s leading people to stuff like this.
What happens when “white” people and “black” people get the idea that they’ve both been duped by a group of people who hates both races and has been playing both sides for generations?
Indeed. The Nazis, consider the Aryan race to be the true Jewish tribe of Israel. They see everyone else as inferior, and simply cattle for their benefit. Many members of the inner circle in the third reich were Jews. Some of their children are still alive and continue to screw with the world.
Klaus Schwab, the son of an SS officer is a prime example. There are many more like the former movie star and governor of California. The Nazis didn’t surrender, they didn’t lose, they retreated and regrouped. They are not the sole reason to our problems, there are a few secret hidden hands at war with each other for control of this planet.
Aryans look like Persians not blond blue eyed. Iran actually means Aryan.