Something big and ugly is brewing…
Trump, Kanye, etc. It’s leading people to stuff like this.
What happens when “white” people and “black” people get the idea that they’ve both been duped by a group of people who hates both races and has been playing both sides for generations?
There are Khazarians There are leftist Jews There are complicit Jews There are innocent Jews.
The innocent Jews are ones who haven't bought into the leftist agenda. They haven't gamed the system nor have they worked with the Jewish mafia. Do Jews like this exist?...oh hell yes. They have kept their heads down, they believe in Trump and doing everything possible to take down the leftists. They abhor the vax, the pedos, the people who would sell their soul for a few dollars. There are good Jews who want the best for the U.S., want the best for all children, want the best for all people who believe in God and what is right and good. These Jews should not be grouped in with the others. Just like not all Italians are aligned with the Italian mafia nor all Russians with the Russian Mafia. You must understand that painting ethnicities with a broad brush is wrong.
We need to identify bad people, target them individually and stop with the group identities. Let's sharpen our focus and point out specific people who are traitors and want to subvert America. Let's look at the people regardless of ethnic or religious identities that want to bring the United States to its knees. These are the traitors, the ones that contribute only hatred and division. Don't fall for the tactics of our enemies. They would love us to turn on fellow patriots. No. We need to use our discernment to target those who have betrayed their oath of office, have betrayed the American people by aligning with our enemies. We need to identify those who are enemies of our country and call them out regardless of race, color or creed.