Something big and ugly is brewing…
Trump, Kanye, etc. It’s leading people to stuff like this.
What happens when “white” people and “black” people get the idea that they’ve both been duped by a group of people who hates both races and has been playing both sides for generations?
Saving Israel for last?
Had to acquire media platforms first. Otherwise they would've "Shut it down! The goyim know!"
There have been many brave souls who tried to let the world know, but guess what the media machine did to those Patriots?
Also, too many "christians" blindly follow the whole "Israel is god's chosen people" bullshit.
Can't tell them. Gotta show them.
This is all pretty new to me. Is it possible there are a group of Jews who are God’s chosen people, and another group that are the most wicked, heinous people on Earth ?
The idea that God created a hundred billion people but only a tiny percentage are his "chosen ones" is patently offensive in the extreme to all non-Jews (and to Jews with humility and a conscience); and it is blasphemy against the Creator, to suggest that he would do something so vile and disloyal to the vast majority of the humans he created.
Well said CQVFEFE. Apparently there are tons of "Christians" who never bothered to read John 3:16m - "For God so loved the world..."